I have been a cable television subscriber for over forty years. However, I recently began to resent the monthly bill, which was over $300. I started looking for ways to cut costs. The first crack in our cable addiction was a smart TV that allowed us to watch Netflix. We found ourselves watching Netflix programming more than our cable channels. At the time, Netflix streaming was supplemented with DVDs delivered through the mail. When Netflix began streaming its programming, we found that we could get rid of the DVDs and still have access to all of our favorite shows. That was the final nail in the coffin of our cable TV subscription.
We cose T-mobile as an internet provider and used our Amazon Prime as our programming service. We already had a few “Smart TVs” but owned a few basic HD TVs also. WE wer able to upgrade our HD TVs with “Firesticks” which not only providd content but also replace our old remote controls. Firesticks also added voice control to our old TVs. In addition to streaming movies and TV shows, there were “live” TV channels for news, sports an entertainment.